Opioid Task Force

Bringing together individuals with diverse specialties to address the opioid epidemic in our County with a compassionate and holistic view of the complex set of issues before us.

Strategic Plan

Comprehensive Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Harmful Substance Use and Overdose in Harnett County



Learn more about the Opioid Task Force

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Recent Updates

Meeting presentation from April 18, 2024

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Resource Booklet

Opioid Use Disorder information and resources

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The SOLVE Approach

The SOLVE approach outlines guidelines for thinking and action which form the basis of our implementation year-over-year. This five-fold path should provide a strategic lens for leaders at all levels of decision-making.

Stigma is reduced. We commit to addressing life threatening community stigma that acts as a barrier to treatment & recovery.

Ownership is shared. We commit to addressing this epidemic collectively and using all of our resources and all of our systems to care for all of our people.

Learning is continuous. We commit to ongoing work to understand best practices, to learn from latest research, and to evaluate our own efforts.

Values are foundational. We commit to cultivating responses rooted in the shared values of our community, including faith-based groups.

Equity is centered. We commit to comprehensive action that works to ensure the needs of all groups within our community are being addressed.

The Opioid Crisis

Harnett County’s overdose death rate has increased more than tenfold since 2000. Per 100,000 people, the overdose death rate rose from 4.4 in 2000 to 52.2 in 2021.

Statistics about the opioid crisis in Harnett County

*these numbers represent deaths only in incorporated portions of the county

Read more  Opioid Indicators Dashboard 

Our Partners

Logos of HCOTF Partners

A look at the Funding

As of now, the County has received just over $2.5 million.
$215,000 has been allocated to the MAT/MOUD program in the Harnett County Detention Center.
$20,000 has been allocated for Narcan for community distribution and school allocation.

  Payments over time – Harnett County

Payments Over Time - Harnett County

Read more  NC Payment Schedule Dashboard